Free Introductory Class

2-3 pm PDT | August 19, 2021

Join us for a Free Introductory Class on the Cloudwatching Method. This is an informative 1-hour Zoom class for anyone who is curious and thinks this method sounds like fun! This could be a new tool in your toolbox to get into a meditative state.

Register for the Free Class

21-day Cloudwatching Lab Class

2-3:15 pm PDT | Thursdays, Sept. 2 to 23, 2021

Unlike the Intro class, there wll be experiential exercises in breathing, restorative yoga, and other methods you can use to enhance the method or use as a stand alone for greater self-care in real time.

Register for 21-Day Lab

Body-Mind-Spirit Coaching

Since 1995, Letty has been assisting people in releasing stress, live a healthy lifestyle, and access their innate heartfelt wisdom. Located in the San Francisco Bay area, she provides customized regenerative workouts and life tools for the body, mind and spirit. We offer phone coaching and Zoom video conference sessions.

Free resources and class signups on the CloudWatching Method

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